More Active ETF Channel Articles
Diversifying Away From Rates? Consider Active International ETF TOUS
2024-05-15Are you considering options for diversifying your portfolio? With the economic outlook changing...
Active ETF 101: The Merits Behind the Active ETF Boom
2024-05-13Active ETFs seem to be everywhere right now following a big boom over the last few years. While...
Active SMIDCap ETF TMSL Surpasses $100 Million in AUM
2024-05-13In a growing landscape of active ETFs, investors may be searching for strategies that stand out....
As Retirement Nears, Consider Equity Income ETF TEQI
2024-05-06Are you or your clients ready for retirement? Increasingly, older Americans fear that they will...
Could Higher for Longer Be Even Longer Than We Think?
2024-05-03What does higher for longer really mean? Investors have faced an inflation storyline for almost...
How Active ETF TCHP Has Outperformed the S&P 500 YTD
2024-04-30Active investing’s banner year in 2023 saw many investors move assets into active strategies....
Active ETFs Nearing 10% of Total ETF Market Share
2024-04-24Active ETFs had a big year in 2023, with new data showing that over the last five years, active...
Active ETFs: Bright Spots Beyond the Border
2024-04-24Active ETF strategies have stormed the scene over the past year and are growing at a dizzying...
Active ETFs Nearing 10% of Total ETF Market Share
2024-04-24Active investing had a banner year in 2023, with active strategies picking up major flows...
There’s Still Time to Get Out of Cash So Consider Active
2024-04-22Entering 2024, market narratives about several rate cuts spread like wildfire. The stock market...
Positioning Portfolios for Rate Cut Uncertainty
2024-04-19Perhaps no macroeconomic storyline looms over U.S. investors this year as much as the rate cut...
Consider Active Small-Cap ETF TMSL as Small-Cap Indexes Weaken
2024-04-18Investors often hear about passive investing’s dominance in the ETF world and markets writ large....
The Case for Equity Income in Active ETF TEQI
2024-04-17The inflation and rate cut picture has become much more complicated since the start of the year....
This Trio of Active ETFs Sending Buy Signals
2024-04-16The landscape of active ETFs is hot and appears to be getting hotter. Recent media coverage of...
Attractive Yields But Narrow Spreads: The Credit Dilemma
2024-04-11Arif Husain, Head of International Fixed Income and Chief Investment Officer, Fixed Income at T....
Rate Cuts Not Coming? Active ETFs Can Help
2024-04-08With April arriving and still no rate cuts, investors might be asking when the Fed may act. A...
Active ETF TCAF Hits Half Billion in YTD Flows
2024-04-05Active investing has taken the ETF landscape by storm, with many strategies launching and gaining...
3 Standout Small/Midcap Stocks in Active ETF TMSL
2024-04-04Is now the time to add midcap stocks to investor portfolios? The “Magnificent Seven”...
Eye Active Investing as Market Leaders Diverge
2024-04-01Remember the Magnificent Seven? Per the Wall Street Journal, they’re really now just a “Fab Four....
Active Dividend ETF TDVG Shows Strong Performance
2024-04-01Active ETFs can present some strong routes into the market right now, and one standout may be the...
3 Active ETFs Sending Buy Signals
2024-03-28Active investing has provided a lot of excitement to start 2024 following a banner year for...
As Positive Global Economic News Abounds, Consider Active ETF TOUS
2024-03-25Is the global economic picture brighter than investors might have previously thought? Japan’s...
Why Active Stands Out for Foreign Investing
2024-03-22Ever considered investing abroad? The time may have come to invest outside of the U.S.
Does Rate Cut Wait-and-See Call for Value Investing?
2024-03-21What’s the deal with the rate cut discussion? With the Fed meeting this week, investors are again...
Rate Cuts Delayed? Lean on Active ETFs
2024-03-20Markets have seemingly overestimated the number of rate cuts this year, but have markets also...