More Active ETF Channel Articles
Cabot ETF Partners Bringing a New Active ETF to Market
2021-02-03Growth stocks remain a compelling market segment and there opportunities abound for active...
With 4 New Funds, Fidelity Is Shaking Up Active ETFs
2021-02-02Fidelity is deepening its push into the actively managed exchange traded funds arena, saying...
SPACs Looking Spectacular in Actively Managed ETF Wrappers
2021-02-01Special purpose acquisition companies (SPACs) remain all the rage on Wall Street, and that theme...
Why Are Investors Moving from Mutual Funds to ETFs?
2021-01-29In the asset management industry, active mutual fund issuers are converting their products to...
Opportunities Abound for Active Managers in Emerging Markets in 2021
2021-01-28Entering 2021, it was widely expected that emerging markets assets would continue penning the...
TEQI ETF: An Active Idea for Dependable Equity Income
2021-01-27Bond yields are still depressed, but dividend stocks are on the mend. Investors can capitalize on...
EM Bond ETFs Like 'EMBD' Are Ripe for Active Management
2021-01-27Some asset classes are tailor made for active management, and that’s particularly true of...
Desperate for Yield? Look No Further than Active Funds like ‘PREF’
2021-01-26Bond yields are still low, meaning traditional income-generating assets just aren’t cutting...
Coming Soon: SPXZ, an Actively Managed SPAC ETF
2021-01-25Special purpose acquisition company (SPACs) are still all the rage on Wall Street following a...
Vanguard Releasing an Active Fixed Income ETF
2021-01-22Is the tide turning for actively managed funds? Two heavyweights in the capital markets seem to...
GAMCO Announces a Fee-Free 'Love Our Planet' ETF
2021-01-21GAMCO Investors, Inc. (“GAMCO”) said Tuesday the registration statement for The Gabelli ETFs...
‘MSOS’ Prospects: Active Cannabis ETFs on a Torrid Pace
2021-01-20To say cannabis exchange traded funds are experiencing a renaissance is a drastic understatement....
Get Active in Your Hunt for Mid Cap Success
2021-01-19Mid cap stocks are often overlooked, suggesting the asset class is conducive to active...
Are Green Bonds a New Gateway for Active Managers?
2021-01-15With more investors prioritizing sustainable investing, green bonds could bring significant...
The TDVG ETF: Active Approach Advantages
2021-01-13With dividend stocks experiencing a renaissance and poised for payout growth this year, investors...
Cuomo Adds Fuel to Blazing 'MSOS' Cannabis ETF
2021-01-12Already hot cannabis exchange traded funds, such as the AdvisorShares Pure US Cannabis ETF (MSOS...
Low Inflation? Asset Prices at Record Highs Suggests Otherwise
2021-01-10One of the keys to being a successful investor is making sure you’re getting the right facts.
No Weed Killer Here: Watch This Cannabis ETF in 2021
2021-01-08Following the Democratic sweep of the two Georgia Senate seats in Tuesday’s runoff...
Upholdings Convert Hedge Fund into Actively Managed ETF
2021-01-07A new actively managed ETF based on a performance-driven hedge fund launched last week called...
Active Management Opportunity Abounds in 2021
2021-01-07With the value factor, international equities, and other assets that have previously been out of...
Sound Income ETFs Bring Active Approach to Retirement Income
2021-01-06On Tuesday, Sound Income Strategies, a Florida-based registered investment advisory firm, is...
ESG, Active Management Can Be Ideal Combination
2021-01-05The outlook for actively managed and environmental, social, and governance exchange traded funds...
The TDVG ETF Is a Stellar Choice for Dividend Growth
2021-01-04S&P 500 dividends set records last year, but payout growth is forecast to be even better in...
The Pros to Being Active: 2021 Investment Outlook
2020-12-31Many market observers are forecasting an increase in mutual fund to ETF conversions in 2021.
Fixed Income & High Yield? It's Not a Paradox with SRLN
2020-12-30Some asset classes are ripe for active management, particularly high-yield corporate debt like...