More Active ETF Channel Articles
The Pros to Being Active: 2021 Investment Outlook
2020-12-31Many market observers are forecasting an increase in mutual fund to ETF conversions in 2021.
Fixed Income & High Yield? It's Not a Paradox with SRLN
2020-12-30Some asset classes are ripe for active management, particularly high-yield corporate debt like...
The 2021 Outlook for Actively Managed ETFs
2020-12-29A variety of prescient macroeconomic factors could set the stage for actively managed funds to...
The ETF-Mutual Fund Tide is Turning: DFAI and DFAU Switching Sides
2020-12-28The success of DFAU is one example of a fund issuer using a mutual fund as inspiration for...
Looking Back at the First Year of New SEC-Approved Structures Within the Active ETF Space
2020-12-24After nearly a decade of back and forth with the Securities and Exchange Commission, active...
More Mutual Funds Going ETF Route in 2021
2020-12-22Amid this year’s success of actively managed exchange traded funds that don’t...
In 2021, More Consolidation Awaits the Asset Management Industry
2020-12-21The asset management space could beripe for more mergers and acquisitions activity in 2021.
Convertible Bond ETFs Enjoying Historic Highs
2020-12-18Convertible bonds are enjoying their best year in over a decade. Some unique exchange traded...
Big Growth Expected for ETFs that Don’t Disclose Holdings Daily
2020-12-17One big advancement in the ETF industry in 2020 is the debut of actively managed exchange traded...
Emerging Trends x The Internet = A Banner Year for ARKW
2020-12-16Internet stocks and exchange traded funds are delivering tidy returns this year. Leading the pack...
Active Management ETFs Look Beyond the Index and Past the United States
2020-12-15International equities are prime asset classes for active managers to add value for their...
PIMCO's Active, Fixed Income ETF Still in MINT Condition
2020-12-14Active management is a great tool to have when it comes to a strenuous fixed income universe. The...
Where Can Active Managers Thrive in 2021?
2020-12-11While there are plenty of asset classes ready to benefit from active management in 2021, emerging...
How Are Institutional Advisors Preparing for 2021?
2020-12-10Consensus is building that 2021 will be a strong year for riskier assets. Professionals can glean...
Finding Opportunities After the Rebound
2020-12-10By Robert W. Sharps, CFA,Head of Investments, T. Rowe Price
Why Investing Abroad Is Right in 2021
2020-12-09Emerging markets are rebounding nicely to end 2020, and that theme is expected to continue in the...
Is Active Management ESG More Comprehensive?
2020-12-08More investors are embracing environmental, social, and governance (ESG) principles, prompting...
Finding Alpha in an Increasingly Concentrated U.S. Market
2020-12-08By Taymour Tamaddon, CFA,Portfolio Manager, T. Rowe Price
This Gig Economy ETF Is Quietly Up Over 80% YTD
2020-12-07The “gig economy” refers to the group of companies that embrace, support, or otherwise benefit...
Junk No Longer: Active ETFs for High-Yield Bonds
2020-12-04There are many asset classes where active management is advantageous for investors. A strong case...
BlackRock Drops iShares Brand on Three Fixed Income ETFs
2020-12-03BlackRock, the world’s largest asset manager, is dropping the famous iShares brand from...
A Cornucopia of New Active ETFs Are Changing the Game
2020-12-02The universe of actively managed exchange traded funds is growing – both in terms of population...
Active ETF Launch: New Roundhill Streaming ETF
2020-12-01Streaming entertainment is disrupting linear television and other traditional forms of...
Pro-Active or Reactive? More Taking Up Active ETFs
2020-11-30Actively managed exchange traded funds continue to gather inflows from global investors.
Active, Alternative Strategies: No Pandemic Slowdowns Here
2020-11-28The coronavirus pandemic is presenting a myriad of challenges to asset allocators, but one area...