More Portfolio Strategies Channel Articles
A Guide to Tax Loss Harvesting
2022-09-22Many advisors are overlooking a key way to use investment losses to an investor’s advantage: tax...
Use Healthcare As a Defense During Recessionary Periods
2022-09-20The healthcare sector has long been considered one of the most reliable defensive sectors, making...
Invesco’s Most Popular Equal Weight ETFs in 2022
2022-09-19Many investors opt to enhance their portfolio and remove size bias with an ETF that utilizes an...
Get Unique Access to the U.S. Energy Market With RYE
2022-09-16The Invesco S&P 500 Equal Weight Energy ETF (RYE) offers a unique way to access the U.S....
Why Allocate to RSP?
2022-09-15An equal-weighting methodology offers many benefits to investors, including enhanced...
Looking Under the Hood of RCD
2022-09-12Investors allocated more funds to the Invesco S&P 500 Equal Weight Consumer Discretionary ETF...
S&P 500 Equal Weight Index Excels in August
2022-09-09Equal-weight indexes have often outperformed their market cap-weighted counterparts, as...
3 Equal Weight Sector ETFs That Saw August Allocations
2022-09-07While broader markets fell in August, investors strategically allocated to certain sectors.
Advisors Concerned About S&P 500 Concentration
2022-09-01The majority of advisors are concerned about the concentration of the top five names in the...
Equal Weighting Reduces S&P 500 Losses
2022-08-30Stocks have fallen across the board in reaction to Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell’s hawkish...
Fed Chair Warns That Inflation Fight May Be Painful
2022-08-26History suggests that signs of a peak in inflation can create a good backdrop for equities.
RYE’s Yields YTD Top 52%
2022-08-25The Invesco S&P 500 Equal Weight Energy ETF (RYE ) is a great fit for investors looking to...
Equal Weighting a Core Investment Portfolio
2022-08-24The diversification benefits and inherent tilt towards value are two reasons why investors favor...
A Guide to Using RSPE as a Core Equity Holding
2022-08-23As ESG continues to gain importance with investors, it’s essential for advisors to be prudent in...
The Overlap Between RSP and RSPE
2022-08-22There are many reasons why investors favor equal weighting over market cap-weighted strategies,...
Check Out RYH for Defensive Healthcare Stocks
2022-08-18In addition to having decent pricing power, the healthcare sector has long been considered one of...
Check Out RHS for Walmart Exposure
2022-08-16By late morning Tuesday, consumer staples are trading up 1%, with Walmart (WMT) in the lead after...
Is It Time to Add a Healthcare ETF to Your Portfolio?
2022-08-12Historically, the healthcare sector has tended to outperform the broader market during...
Why Investors Look to RSP for a Core Holding
2022-08-10The Invesco S&P 500 Equal Weight ETF (RSP ) is a favored strategy for investors looking to...
Expect Equal Weight to Outperform as Inflation Goes Up
2022-08-08The July jobs report was far better than expected and showed more than half a million jobs...
Does Your Portfolio Need an ESG Core Equity Holding?
2022-08-05Advisors looking for an ESG fund to serve as a portfolio’s core equity holding should consider...
S&P 500 Equal Weight TTM Outperformance Continues
2022-08-04Despite the S&P 500 EWI underperformance in July, Equal Weight’s trailing twelve-month...
S&P 500 EWI Losses Improve to -9% YTD Due to July Gains
2022-08-02The S&P 500 last month posted its biggest monthly percentage gain since November 2020.
Advisors Can be Confused by Earnings Season
2022-08-01Last week was a big week for tech earnings, with many of the largest U.S. companies reporting...
RYE Increases as Oil Giants Post Record Profits in Q2
2022-07-29Oil giants Exxon Mobil Corp (XOM) and Chevron Corp (CVX) posted record profits during the second...