ETF Database provides many tools to help you make ETF investing decisions. These ETF Tools can help financial advisors and investors narrow down their ETF investment search by screening, comparing and analyzing the vast universe of ETFs. Some of our tools may offer increased features accessible only to ETF Database Pro members. Access the full power of ETF Database by starting your 14-day FREE trial now.
Screen ETFs based on asset class, issuer, market cap, expense ratio, and more.
Compare ETF themes based on popular financial metrics, including 3-month fund flows, 3-month return, AUM, expense ratio, dividend yield and issuer revenue. Compare countries, industries, asset classes and more, to find out how they rank relative to their peers. You can also view the top issuer for each metric and by every ETF theme.
This tool is designed to facilitate the switch from mutual funds to ETFs. ETF Database’s proprietary mapping system will identify the “best fit” ETFs for mutual funds based on the underlying.
Compare any two ETFs head-to-head on cost, holdings, performance metrics, and other data.
Quickly look up equity ETFs that offer exposure to a specific country.
Easily find all U.S.-listed equity ETFs with significant exposure to a particular security.
Build a model portfolio of ETFs, then analyze its overall weighted expense ratio, holdings, country and sector exposures, and more.
This tool displays the annual performance of every ETF in existence, making it easy for investors to pick out annual trends and spot the hot and cold spots of the market.
ETF Database Model Portfolios are catered to many types of investors. Each portfolio has in-depth analysis of the asset allocation, strategy, ETF holdings, risk/return profile, expenses analysis and more, which can help investors make better ETF investing decisions.
ETF Database Realtime Ratings is a transparent, rules-based framework for evaluating the efficiency of ETFs. Each ETF is rated relative to others in its category using six different metrics, including liquidity, expenses, performance, volatility, dividend and concentration. This allows investors and advisors to objectively compare ETFs with similar objectives and risk/return features.
This pro subscription includes access to dozens of ETF model portfolios, ETF guides, Realtime Ratings for all ETFs, the enhanced screener and other tables download capabilities and a monthly ETF newsletter full of performance data, portfolio advice and actionable investment ideas.
The Scenario Analysis Tool uses real historical market conditions to evaluate and compare ETF performance during different market events. It gives the user a unique way to assess risk exposure, provides performance metrics and offers visualizations for informed decision-making.
A long-running debate in asset allocation circles is how much of a portfolio an investor should...
In a digital age where information moves in milliseconds and millions of participants can transact...