Geraci opened the conversation comparing the potential of TSLA’s new tech with a “George Jetson”-style future. Geraci gave Mercer the opportunity to pontificate on how close autonomous vehicles and robots are to being a reality. For Mercer, the technologies represent markers on TSLA CEO Elon Musk’s vision of “physical world autonomy.” “This is actually something we look at at ROBO a lot: the utilization of mobility and assets,” Mercer said. “We live in a world where most cars are parked most of the time. They’re not being used, and even when they’re being used, maybe only one person is doing it, going one direction. So there’s a lot of single-purpose, not really high-utility things that are clogging up the streets.”
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Seeking lower-cost options, investors are increasingly opting for ETFs in lieu of mutual funds.
Long-time ETF industry veteran and CEO and CIO of Astoria Advisors, John Davi, launched his firm’...
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Getting started building a portfolio, or just looking to fine-tune your allocation? With the...
Today, Harbor Capital Advisors expanded its ETF library with the release of the Harbor PanAgora...
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