Weekly Asset Class Fund Flows
Investors often reallocate money in between asset classes, whether to manage risk or simply to rebalance. This is our weekly snapshot of where ETF investors are putting their money.
Last week was a rough go for bond fund as investors pulled over $1.4 billion from the asset class. The iShares iBoxx $ High Yield Corporate Bond ETF (HYG ) accounted for the brunt of it with $900 million outflows. It’s not all darkness though. Currency funds had an exceptionally strong week with $293 million in flows. While it not seem like much compared to the larger asset classes, those flows account for 12.5% of the total assets in the space. The Invesco DB US Dollar Index Bullish Fund (UUP ) had a particularly good week with $168 in new assets.
Asset Class | AUM ($, mm) | Net Flows ($, mm) |
Equity | $3,466,632.77 | $972.01 |
Currency | $2,358.73 | $293.00 |
Preferred Stock | $33,587.05 | $20.88 |
Alternatives | $2,781.42 | $15.43 |
Multi-Asset | $19,268.01 | -$3.17 |
Volatility | $3,677.05 | -$77.59 |
Real Estate | $58,092.56 | -$357.51 |
Commodity | $146,963.89 | -$895.14 |
Bond | $994,267.54 | -$1,436.49 |