Financial wellness and personal wellness have more than a few parallels. For both, advisors must build strong personal relationships with clients. Not only do both crafts require building a trusting, empathetic relationship between two people; both crafts also share similar concerns. Both fields of advising ask similar questions. How does a client want to live, and what do they want to change about their life? What are their goals and priorities for themselves?
Following a hike in the woods, VettaFi’s financial futurist Dave Nadig sat down with Dr. Phil Pearlman to talk Health, Wealth, and Simplicity. Pearlman, founder of the Pearl Institute, combines long term experience in the world of finance with a psychology background. In his work, and through his newsletter, Pearlman addresses topics including building a healthy lifestyle and mindset as well as developing resilience.
On Wellness: Health, Wealth, and Simplicity
- 1:00: How did you bridge finance into a focus on wellness?
- 2:00: Is your audience of advisors looking to get healthy or a broader finance audience looking at wellness?
- 3:15: How did you end up not sticking with only one “wellness doctrine?”
- 3:50: The merits of “stupid simplicity.”
- 5:00: The parallels between the craziness of financial and health and wellness academia
- 6:00: Don’t get lost in optimization
- 7:00: Simple tips for wellbeing
- 9:00: Should coaching wellness and happiness be part of an advisor’s work?
- 10:15: The secret sauce isn’t in the “How To” guide
- 11:00: The part that advisors and trainers alike miss
- 12:00: Dr. Pearlman on the power of change
- 13:00: Is that change possible without a tumultuous event, or can positive milestones drive it?
- 15:00: On judo and change
- 17:00: Convincing people in finance about the drawbacks of overoptimization
- 17:45: What does empathy really mean?
- 19:15: You can’t fake that you’ve got someone’s back
- 21:00: From “I’ve Got You” to “You’ve Got This”
Financial futurist Dave Nadig hosts more conversations at the VettaFi YouTube Channel. Send your thoughts, comments, and feedback to [email protected].
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