While you can debate whether or not a bear market is finally here, one thing is for certain, volatility is back with a vengeance. And that’s been the theme for most of 2018 and into the new year. Stocks have gotten bumpier and swings have been more violent. And in that, many investors are looking to calm their portfolios and reduce the volatility. Well, they may not have to look very far. A tried and true answer is still providing plenty of ballast to portfolios.

We’re talking about bond ETFs.

Despite the recent uptick in interest rates and the approaching predicted “Bond Armageddon,” fixed income ETFs have done pretty well in the recent downturn. In fact, bonds provided exactly what they have historically done – providing a hedge – when the markets have gotten wonky. With that, bond ETFs still can serve a big roll in the average Joe’s portfolio.

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