Weekly Asset Class Fund Flows
Investors often reallocate between asset classes, whether to manage risk or simply re-balance. This is our weekly snapshot of where ETF investors are putting their money.
Bonds were this week’s big winner with over $2.3 billion in new assets. Top contributors to the week’s success were the iShares 20+ Year Treasury Bond ETF (TLT ) and the iShares iBoxx $ Investment Grade Corporate Bond ETF (LQD ), with $743 million and $416 million inflows respectively. Investors were less kind to equities, which lost $1.2 billion in assets despite holding the fund with the highest individual flows. The JPMorgan BetaBuilders U.S. Mid Cap Equity ETF (BBMC ) saw just over $1 billion inflows this past week.
The asset class hit hardest by percent was currency. Though its losses of just $77 million seem small, it accounts for almost 3.8% of the class’s total assets.
Asset Class | AUM ($, mm) | Net Flows ($, mm) |
Bond | $1,017,313.07 | $2,343.21 |
Real Estate | $59,137.60 | $539.79 |
Preferred Stock | $35,018.45 | $35.73 |
Alternatives | $2,802.57 | $5.78 |
Multi-Asset | $19,535.14 | -$5.09 |
Currency | $2,032.26 | -$77.00 |
Volatility | $4,243.50 | -$87.97 |
Commodity | $149,168.89 | -$361.75 |
Equity | $3,559,459.03 | -$1,238.38 |